A 7 Day programme of zazen meditation presented by Open Way Zen Brisbane Sangha

Материал из Buddha World.

Saturday 14th to Saturday 21st of January 2012 presented by Open Way Zen Brisbane Sangha. A 7 Day programme of zazen meditation, dharma talks, chanting, yoga plus more... Located in the lush surrounds of Springbrook in the Gold Coast hinterland. Led by long time student of Hogen-san Peter Genyo Gallaghe.

Cost is $720 which covers all food and accomodation. Places are limited, early enrollment will ensure you don't miss out.

If you have any questions or enquiries please don't hesitate to e-mail us at sesshin2012@openway.org.au

About the Retreat

The sesshin will be run on Queensland time (i.e. NSW daylight saving time minus one hour). Please arrive at the Retreat Centre between 10:00am and no later than 5:00 pm (Queensland time) on the first day. Supper is provided in the evening of the first day but no lunch, so you may either come after lunch or bring something with you to eat.

In the early afternoon a list of rooms will be drawn up on the whiteboard in the dining hall, please select a room you would like to stay in. You should also select a place to sit in the meditation hall (zendo) when it has been set up. Later that evening, at 6:30pm, there will be an orientation in the meditation hall on sesshin procedures and the retreat centre. The sesshin will begin with an introductory talk, including instruction on zazen (seated meditation) and kinhin (slow walking meditation). This will be followed by a period of zazen. The sesshin schedule will be posted outside the zendo door. Please keep to your originally selected place in the zendo and don’t interfere with others’ mats or cushions, except as necessary during cleaning samu.

What to bring

loose-fitting clothes suitable for seated meditation; jeans and other pants made of heavy non-stretch material are likely to be uncomfortable
bed linen (sheets, pillow slip)
shoes suitable for jogging / bush walking
personal medications and hygiene products
toiletries (please consider your fellow sitters and don’t use perfumes, aftershaves, and other heavily perfumed items)
some warm clothes - it can get cold up on the mountain even in January
towel, washcloth
raincoat or umbrella
insect repellent
bags for dirty shoes, washing
zafu or meditation stool (if you have one)
zabuton (large flat cushion on which to place your zafu, if you have one)
yoga mat (if you have one)


We’ll provide lacto-ovo vegetarian meals. We ask you to put aside all food preferences during sesshin. If you have a medical dietary requirement, you will have noted this on the Application Form. We will do our best to accommodate such special requirements, but cannot guarantee this. If you have any special requirements that have not been notified to us in your Application Form , then we have to ask you to make your own arrangements to bring any special foods. The main meal of the day is lunch.

A light meal will be provided on the evening of the first day, Please make arrangements for your own lunch on that day.


Samu is a Japanese word that means work service. It generally means the physical work that is part of the everyday life in a Zen monastery, and particularly the work periods during a sesshin. Service here is to be understood as service to the many as One. If the work is carried out mindfully, in a manner based entirely on the activity of collected attention and total carefulness, then it is a continuation and another form of meditation, in which the practitioner learns to maintain the meditative state of mind even in the midst of everyday routine. Samu is an important part of Zen training in a monastery according to the monastic rule established by Chinese Ch’an Master Baizhang in the eighth century.

A roster will be made available in the afternoon on Saturday the 15th. Please choose some tasks to place your name against. You can also offer to help set up the hall during the first day. Please be prepared to stay after lunch on the last day to ensure all cleaning-up and packing is done.

Rules of behaviour

Open Way retreats are run with a minimum of formality, but attendees will understand the need for everyone to conduct themselves in a way that does not interfere with the meditation practice or safety of others who are attending. The sesshin managers are responsible for the orderly running of the event and reserve the right to request that inappropriate behaviour be discontinued, failing which a request to leave the retreat may be made. A person who is asked to leave in this circumstance is not entitled to a refund of attendance fees or any other compensation.


Макет «Будды в нирване» в Таджикистане
Макет «Будды в нирване» в Таджикистане