Retreat "Living Mindfully Today" led by Thich Nhat Hahn

Материал из Buddha World.

12 - 15 April, 2012, 4 day retreat "Living Mindfully Today" led by Venerable Thich Nhat Hahn - Killarney Convention Centre, County Kerry, Ireland.

Please join Thich Nhat Hanh, monastics and other lay friends in the beautiful surroundings of Killarney National Park to practice caring for ourselves and our world. We will practice as a community, as a spiritual family learning the art of tending the gardens of our mind and body. We will learn and practice how to breathe, sit, and walk freely and peacefully, so we may enjoy the present moment and be present to the wonders of our world that are always available. Being a happy human being is the greatest talent and the most needed skill that we can offer to ourselves and our loved ones. It is an important gift to our world and an essential element to our efforts to preserve our planet.

These are some of the practices that we will engage in during this retreat:

daily Dharma Talks by Thây
sitting meditation together
outdoor walking meditation as a community
mindful meals in silence - taking the time to truly enjoy the food and the company of other practitioners
Dharma Discussion in small groups – practicing loving speech and deep listening, sharing our experiences with the practice of mindfulness
Total Relaxation - learning how to rest and relax our body and our mind
Service Meditation - working together in harmony and with ease
Observing Noble Silence – from after the evening activity until after washing up for breakfast
