6-day Mondo Zen retreat

Материал из Buddha World.

April 7 to 13, 2012 – 6-day Mondo Zen retreat (Pennsylvania).

Event details Mondo Zen is classic koan inquiry, evolved for our time and culture. It is the creation of Junpo Denis Kelly, 83rd Patriarch in the Rinzai lineage.

Seeing how enlightenment wasn’t enough to transform a person’s behavior, that certain Asian cultural aspects did not translate well in the U.S., and that psychotherapy by itself can be a trap, Junpo brought the best of Zen and Western psychology together.

Mondo Zen, or “the dialog of the Way of meditative mind,” offers a direct taste of the purity of one’s unconditioned mind, builds neurolinguistic and embodiment skills to stabilize the experience, and tools to use the day-to-day life of thoughts and emotions in to recall and choose pure awareness and compassion over habitual reactions. In Ken Wilber’s words, “Mondo Zen training is one of the most important, creative, and novel additions to the meditation pantheon, highly recommended for the accelerated effect it has on spiritual growth and development.”

Visit the web site for more details and to register: http://www.mondozen.org

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