Amoghasiddhi Buddha

From Buddha World

Amoghasiddhi is one of the Five Wisdom Buddhas of the Vajrayana tradition of Buddhism. he is associated with the accomplishment of the Buddhist path and of the destruction of the poison of envy. His name means He Whose Accomplishment Is Not In Vain. His Shakti/consort is Aryatara/Green Tara, meaning Noble Deliverer or Noble Star and his mounts are garudas. He belongs to the family of Karma whose family symbol is the Double vajra/thunderbolt.


Amoghasiddhi is associated with the conceptual skandha or the conceptual mind (as opposed to the non-conceptual or sensational mind). His action towards the promotion of Buddhist paths is the pacification of evils. This is symbolised by Amoghasiddhi's symbol, the sword or khaga. He gestures in the mudra of fearlessness, symoblising his and his devotees' fearlessness towards the poisons or delusions. He is usually coloured green in artwork and is associated with the air or wind element. His season is summer and his heavenly quarter, the north.

Буддийская Живопись и каллиграфия
Буддийская Живопись и каллиграфия